12th August 2021
Category: Music, Photos
Tags: Album covers, collaboration, Music, this is radio silence
I feel somewhat remorseful that I have not posted about this before, but I’m distracted at best and had assumed I already had.
Incredibly proud to have collaborated (in a small way) with one of my favourite bands of all time on a series of EP covers. I provided the photographs for the This Is Radio Silence releases Fallen Men, Two For Joy (2020 RDX Versions), There Is No Time / Impermanence EP, The Yellow House and Frozen Frames.
I think one of the proudest moments of my life was standing in the Islington Academy during one of their gigs and seeing my photography projected across the wall behind them.
I love working with musicians, probably more so than any other creative collaboration. It means so much more when it’s a band I have loved for years. I hope one day they want to have another crack.
Please check out This Is Radio Silence on Bandcamp they are fantastic and their songs infect so much of what I do.