You never know what you are going to get when you summon things from other dimensions. This time round we got a light show, some weird smells and a headache that lasted about three days.
Read MoreIf you’ve got a crack in reality behind your bookcase, you might as well make the most of it and see what you can summon. This was the first apparition. It appeared, shouted it’s shopping list (mostly the ingredients for a carbonara) and then disappeared in a puff of imagination.
Read MoreThe thirteenth imaginary flower to work it’s way into our reality. Smells faintly of parma violets and ozone. Makes a high pitched whistling noise when exposed to sunlight.
Read MoreLess a flower, more an explosion of light and colour, this minty, imaginary flower will give you serious imaginary hayfever if you get too close.
Read MoreThe tenth smoke flower and the first to have a scent, it smells of roses, blood and hope. It also comes with a lovely glow.
Read MoreThe ninth smoke flower to drift into our reality. This one pulsates with a strange energy. The lights flicker when it comes too close and the cats will not be in the same room.
Read MoreTeasel leaves are the most fascinating of shapes and textures. Combined here with the heads of Aquilegia.
Read MoreAnother of the strange alien blooms which burst into our reality when the boundaries are thin.
Read MoreSometimes the smoke that drifts through the reality hole in the studio brings strange spores, these grow into flowers which hang for seconds in the air before dissipating again.
Read MoreMore mediations on floral ink. Creations based on photographs of ink in water.
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